Here is the changing table, with some crib sheets stored on the bottom.

Here is the crib, and a nice comfy rocker, complete with footstool. Michelle says she has spent months in that rocker!
Not only did they set the baby room up, Ron did bunches more. 1) He checked out my washer, which has been leaking. I'd thought it was just a loose hose, but Ron diagnosed something more severe. He recommends a repairman; Michelle recommends buying a new washer. 2) He put salt in my water softner, which will hopefully decrease the amount of lime scale I'll need to fight for the next month or so. 3) He filled the bin with dog food, so Jet won't starve. 4) He emptied that darned trash compactor that threw my back out. Luckily, it did not attack his back. Finally, 5) they took me out to lunch at Strings.
Ian is really growing up fast! At lunch he ate like a big boy, managing his own fork quite competently - especially for a lad of only 2 1/2. Already he knows his colors, and can count to 15, and is speaking in sentences! I can't always understand everything he says, but he's saying it. I'm impressed. Here is a picture of Ian at his birthday party, when he did not appear to be nearly so adept at the use of a fork. (Dumb me, I didn’t think to take new pictures of anyone today.)

The girls are going to a new Christian school, rather than the public school they'd attended before. They really like the school, says Lauren. Shelby just got back from a week long school retreat - team building, social studies, science, crafts. Neat stuff.
Awww, lot's of nice things for Z to use while she is visiting her Grandma!
Wish I could be there. :)
Yes! It is exciting for me, because it makes their trip somehow more imminent.
That would be NEAT, if you could be here!
Awesome Marta
Have Fun with the visit!!
Thanks, Cindy. I fully intend to enjoy the visit!
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